Thursday, May 24, 2012

The New Day

There is a line in one of my favorite worship songs that says, "and I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way that He loves us." It was only recently [after about 1000 times of singing it] that I truly grasped the power in that line of the song. For years, I have let my mind and heart dwell on past mistakes that I made. It was as if I did not believe the scripture where it says that "God is faithful and just to forgive." I did not really grasp that God throws our sin as far as the East is from the West. Then I realized, I had been humanizing God. I also realized that I had not forgiven myself for all the horrible things I had done. Then one day, as I was singing "How He Loves," it clicked. One of the tools the Enemy uses is a sense of being rendered useless. Then I remembered David. David messed up big time when he had the affair with Bethsheba and then had Uriah killed intentionally. David kept hiding his sin over and over...trying to brush away his tracks so as to not be caught. God knew his heart. God revealed his heart through a prophet. David owned up to his sin. Did David spend the next years lying there [like a corpse at a wake]? No. David begged forgiveness, asked God to give him a clean heart and a clean slate. God was faithful and just and forgave him. This is a big part of the hope of the gospel. That God will forgive if we ask. Futhermore, If God has forgiven us...we need to learn to forgive ourselves as well. Don't let Satan bind you in the oppression of harbored guilt. Be released from the chains knowing that our God does not lie...therefore you are forgiven if you ask and if you forgives others for their sins as well. Each new morning produces a brand new day...don't dwell in yesterday, stay focused and stay the course. Pursue Godliness.

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