Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's time for Men of the faith.

The Gospel is perhaps the most controversial message of all time. It is not because Christians hate anyone. It is not because Christians are bigots. In fact, if a Christian I truly a Christian, they will speak out against hatred and bigotry. The Gospel is offensive because it puts people at odds with themselves. It shows people that they are helpless to save themselves. When people are placed in this position of facing their own state of helplessness, they react one of two ways- surrender to Christ or try to kill the messenger. A Christian must stand for Biblical truth despite public opinion. That is why I respect the pastor of FBC Dallas. He has stood on the teachings of sound doctrine. It should be no secret that, as a Christian, I believe in God's design for marriage--not this "marriage 2.0" that the world tries to persuade me is right. I do not hate homosexuals, live-in unmarried couples, or no-cause divorcees...I simply stand upon the Biblical truth of God's design. After all, HE designed marriage. I must admit that I am a little disheartened by the pragmatism that Tim Tebow displayed in choosing to bow out of speaking at FBC Dallas. Let me make this bold claim--the Word of God is the WORD OF GOD. This means that God inspired as he wanted it written. We must be bold in proclaiming it with love and not be overcome with fear of what the world may say about us. Watch this...

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