Thursday, June 21, 2012

Moderately Christian

C.S. Lewis said, "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." The Scriptures address the issues of casual Christianity numerous times, and elaborate on the strong consequences of one who claims Christ but follows self. We see examples in Revelation in the letter written to the church at Laodicia, also in the Gospels when Christ presumably turns away potential followers on multiple occasions by making them count the cost of following Him. Now, think about Lewis' statement...there is no casual Christianity. To be casually Christian is to be fully hypocritical. This is the danger in selling Christianity like a high-pressure time-share. We offer this awesome vacation next to a crystal sea and golden roads if we will just 'accept Jesus right now'. I am a Southern Baptist, and this is a very hot topic right now. David Platt brought this to light, and I tend to agree with him for the most part. I fear we are selling people a faith built on sinking sand rather than a solid foundation. Let me summarize this post...IF YOU ARE CASUALLY CHRISTIAN...RETHINK YOUR SO-CALLED FAITH.

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