Tuesday, June 26, 2012

When Creation Sings...

Lately, I have been spending a lot of time in my own personal sanctuary a.k.a my back porch that overlooks Cort's grandfather's pasture. I spend time reading and thinking, and then the sunset catches my eye. In moments like these my reading and thinking seems to move to the back of my mind and in the forefront it is replaced by a very simple, effortless worship. This morning (for clarification--mostly for my dad--I reflected on what I had seen the night before), I even wrote my own personal "psalm" about the beauty of God's creation and how it reflects the beauty of our great God, who created it all. One of the lines in the song is, "When creation sings it sets a mind to wandering. How can you have love for one like me?" In these sunset moments, I feel so small. When I think about the vastness of the stars and skies, the sun and moon, the entirety of the universe, I am overwhelmed with praise because God is still mindful of wretches like me. When creation sings, my heart echoes the song.

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