Friday, March 15, 2013

A Disciple of Christ


 The trend in the American Church is to boast in our respective churches, worship centers, pastors, financial stability, numerical growth, etc...the problem is that this is not Biblical. We are not to boast in our strengths, but our weaknesses. We are not to boast in ourselves, but in Christ. Christ is the only one worthy of praise and adoration. We, the Church, are called to be Disciples of Christ. We are not called to be disciples of our pastor. We are not called to be disciples of our faith families, but of Christ. Christ said, "Follow ME." My prayer for our particular faith family is that we abandon our faith in anything other than Christ. Pastors come and go. Buildings eventually crumble. Finances are fleeting. Scores of people go from church to church as the wave of trends carry them. The grass withers, and the flowers fall away, but the Word of the Lord endures forever.  Let's follow HIM.

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